Low Demand Masterclass

Next cohort starts late April, 2024 

Enrollment Closes In:









Join the Waitlist


overwhelmed, isolated parents of beloved, complex kids…

What if I told you that I could pinpoint the majority of your struggles at home to one pervasive lie about parenting?



Of course you would (you feel like you’ve tried everything else)...

Well, when I found out — it changed my life…


Friend, here’s the truth that shifted it all for me:





This parenting lie is strong though.

The lie is there when you feel rising resentment at your child’s outbursts, their tablet dependence, their refusal to eat anything…


It’s there when you worry your kid won’t ever manage in the real world…


It’s there when you can’t help but wish your kid would just for once be like the Jones’ kids…


And believe me, if you don’t get the tools you need to dismantle this lie — it will prevent you from regaining HOPE.


And HOPE is why you are here right?


Because even on their worst days, you remember that little baby in your arms doing the best they can every day…


And when you think you can’t handle another moment, 

you remember how you’d do anything for them to feel happy, safe, and fulfilled and…


You want a peaceful home


You want trust restored 


You want to stop feeling so alone 

I'm Amanda.




I lived through Autistic Burnout with my 6-year-old and survived my own Parental PTSD. Coming out of it, I realized that this lie we’re told — that it’s all our fault if our kids can’t “behave” — is literally ruining us.


And pushing hard for compliance and perfection actually causes more intense behaviors in our neuro-atypical kids and can even contribute to trauma and burnout.


But, when you’re trying to just survive the day, it's hard to figure out the theory behind a parenting book so you can just make. it. stop!


And finding the right coach plus people who “get it” feels impossible. But, doing it alone is so scary because “What if I’m getting it wrong? What if I end up ruining my kid?!”


I’ve said these exact same things! In fact, my 6 Step Low Demand Method was born from my time in these exact trenches.


  • Strengthen your relationships
  • Improve communication
  • Restore calm
  • Find your people AND
  • Heal burnout

And, most transformational of all,
my 6 Step Low Demand Method dismantles that lie bit by bit,
so you can drop demands and meet your kids — and yourself — with loving, radical acceptance.




An interactive 8-week digital course & virtual live coaching program that turns low-demand parenting theory into lifelong practice.

Inside The Low Demand Masterclass you’ll learn how to:

Develop a custom Low Demand roadmap

that you and your family can actually follow every day! 

Trust yourself and your kid

Demystify what it means to live with radical acceptance — this isn’t “anything goes” this is “bravely letting life unfold.”

Extinguish feelings of failure, isolation, and loneliness

You’ll finally feel a sense of ease as you navigate fiery behavior alongside a guided community of parents experiencing the same challenges as you.

Boost your confidence about living fearlessly with Low Demand

Have an answer to those eye rolls from uninformed or disapproving family members.

Celebrate your wins!

Acknowledge all the amazing skill-building moments that are happening every day! From micro to macro, you’ll create the foundation for Low Demand living and thriving.


“My daughter was in an almost constant meltdown, with small glimpses of regulation. She was violent and abusive to her brother and to us – it was an incredibly rough time. Fast forward to now, just a handful of months later of truly implementing Amanda’s Low Demand Parenting and violence is WAY down, sleep has become accessible and we have been able to start homeschooling. It has been a complete 180 turnaround.
Working with Amanda has been a transformative, life-giving experience.”

 — Rachel, mother of two

As Seen In

Here’s What’s Waiting For You…


Let’s Get Your Transformational Journey Started!


Grab a mug of your favorite warm beverage and settle into a personal welcome! I’ll talk about my powerful journey from burnout to breakthrough using the Low Demand Method. 


You’ll learn how to:


Create the path: gain clarity on course goals and see yourself in the exciting transformation ahead. 

Tame Your Tech Worries: you’ll find a step-by-step instructional video on how to navigate the course and attend our weekly, dynamic, live Q&A sessions.




In Fundamentals, we shift gears from control to connection. 


You’ll learn how to:


Calm The Nervous System: Learn the 'gas' and 'breaks' of how our nervous systems function and shift your approach to revolutionize your parenting. 

Decode Behavior: Uncover the powerful language your child is speaking. Get hands-on tools to read your child's nervous system like a pro.

Embrace Coregulation: Simplify your response strategies for those tough moments. 

Thriving vs. Surviving: Learn to differentiate between healthy and toxic stress loads for your child's long-term well-being so you all can spend more time in the green zone and less time in the red.

Fearlessly Parent: Banish anxiety about dropping demands with science-backed insights, and gain confidence in navigating the world of PDA (Persistent/Pathogical Demand Avoidance).


Burnout Awareness and Resourcing


In this module, you’ll uncover tools and a knowledge base that will help support you through burnout into a proactive mindset and resource you to do the low demand work, whether you are in burnout or not.


You’ll learn how to:


Recognize the Signs of burnout and take charge of your own well-being, and that of your children. 

Unmask Burnout & Trauma by learning to distinguish between these two powerful forces and chart a course for healing. 

Start Now: begin your own rejuvenation with a trauma-informed, somatic yoga practice and mindfulness meditation guide, and discover how the Safe and Sound Protocol can be a vital ally in your ongoing journey to wellness.


The 6-Step Low Demand Method


In this robust, interactive module, I’ll break down each step. Then, we’ll create your individualized roadmap that includes supportive and affirming House Rules for you to use every day, in real time.


You’ll learn how to: 

Identify Demands: master the art of decoding what demands really are.

Differentiate between a Big Drop vs. Tiny Drop: you’ll be surprised to learn the game-changing difference between the two! 

Discover Your 'Why': ground yourself in what truly matters for your family's journey.

Communicate Confidently: unlock the 4 key ways to truly hear your children and learn the magic of Declarative Language for powerful, nuanced connections. 

Shift from Reactive to Proactive: discover the secrets of sustainable demand-dropping and how to anticipate drops that will make your days run smoother.

Rekindle Self Care: identify your unmet needs and begin to remove the frustration and resentment you’ve been struggling against.


Getting Un-Stuck


In this module, I’ll bust through the places where people most commonly get stuck. I’ll share practical next steps so that you can avoid derailing your Low Demand progress.




Unearth Your Sticking Points: identify the roadblocks and ignite forward momentum with one strategic action step at a time. 

Embrace 'Let's Try and See': adopt a fearless mindset, by taking small, powerful steps towards transformation. 

Navigate The Roadblocks: gain foresight into potential hurdles, and prep you and your kids, for future success!


Low Demand In The Real World


In this module, I’ll take you through videos designed to address your individual, real-life situations. You’ll gain valuable inspiration, insights, and actionable steps to advance on your journey of embracing The Low Demand Method.


You’ll learn how to:


Laser Focus Your Purpose: learn to let go of the small stuff to achieve the grander goal. 

Advocate Like a Pro: hear empowering tales of navigating the medical system and become a fierce advocate for your child. Get battle-tested strategies and scripts for seamless interactions with educators, doctors, and therapists. 

Build Bonds via Low Demand: understand how to nurture low demand friendships and make these principles accessible for your kids and others. 

Roll on with Resilience: strengthen your resolve and stay aligned with your core values, even in the face of judgment. 

Future-Ready Your Parenting Skills: discover how low demand skills set your children up for success — in the workforce and beyond. 

Unpack The Root: examine your family's background and culture's impact on the low demand approach. 

Explore Intersectionality and Inclusion: explore how race, class, culture, and privilege intersect with low demand parenting and how living low demand can teach your children to use their privilege for the greater good.

MODULE 07&08

Create Your Action Plan


In these modules, I’ll share case studies and a collection of real stories from our membership community revealing living proof of what works! Then work on your own action plan to bring theory to life and create real-world triumphs, the roadmap to your own success story!




Witness Burnout to Breakthrough: hear inspiring journeys towards thriving. Uncover the often-overlooked small steps that led to healing — proving that 'thriving' isn't synonymous with 'perfect'. 

Recognize Family Empowerment: how transformative decisions to embrace low demand principles over conventional tactics, changed everything.

Ignite Inspiration: real families, making a real impact! Learn the dynamic ways these principles are improving lives. 

Tailor Your Toolbox: discover fresh strategies for embracing low demand in your own journey. 

Connect With Community: together, we're stronger! Share your story and become a part of our growing knowledge hub. Your unique story could be the next beacon of hope for others!


References & Resources


This module is packed full of all the course references, worksheets, and tools in one easy-to-access location. 


You’ll find:


The Power of Organization: all the essential resources of the course, neatly packed in one dynamic workbook! 

Masterful Scripts: that transform any situation with confidence and clarity. 

Curated Book Lists: for targeted growth and in-depth learning. 

Visual Communication Tools: enhance family connections with printable aids.

Affirmation Magic: infuse your space with encouragement and positivity!

You’ll finally have the full support you need to turn
“get through” to “breakthrough.”

And here’s what truly sets this program apart!



A Seamless, Self-Paced Learning Journey


Get modules delivered weekly so you can go at your pace for a confident grasp, not a rushed race!

Reality Informed & Expert Supported

Hear my in-depth interviews with experts in Psychology, PDA, Autism, and PTSD/Burnout.

8 Live Q&A Sessions

Dive deep with expert insights and real-time answers. 

Teen-Focused Bonus Module

Tackle issues unique to your teenagers including schools, hospitalization, socialization, friendship challenges, and more. 

Connection & Growth

Join intimate parent groups, forge bonds, and build lasting friendships with like-minded peers

Refuel Yourself for the Long Haul

Tips, tricks, and mindset shifts will only get us so far. Gain habits to support yourself for the long game.

BONUS: Low Demand 101 Mini-Course

Get logins for grandparents, aunts and uncles, caregivers, and important people in your family's life. Let me do the hard work of sharing about low demand, how you are parenting, and how to support you!

BONUS: Screens Without Shame Mini-Course

Rooted in cutting-edge neuroscience, this course is tailored to meet your unique needs as it walks you through the latest research on screens and neurodivergent brains. This course offers you a holistic approach that goes beyond simply limiting screen time and it’s yours FREE with your Low Demand Masterclass purchase!

“Amanda’s work helped me to see how I needed to care for MYSELF.
That I’m not broken, lazy, or incompetent — just different. If I could write a thousand testimonials for her, I would.”

 — Lindsay B.

Here’s A Recap of Everything That’s Included!

Low Demand Masterclass

  • 8-week Low Demand Parenting Masterclass Modules 1-9  ($1200 value)
  • 8 x 90 minute LIVE Q&A Sessions ($2,400 value)
  • BONUS Teen Focused Module ($200 value)
  • BONUS Low Demand 101 ($47 value)
  • BONUS FREE Screens Without Shame Course  ($47 value)


TOTAL VALUE = ($3,894)


Today's price: $797

Join the waitlist

The Low Demand Masterclass Promise


 I want you to uplevel your confidence in the tools of Low Demand Parenting.

I want you to finally have a clear and realistic roadmap.

I want to help you and your kids to prevent burnout and live with more joy.

I want you to feel connected and affirmed within a community of other parents who are changing their lives by dropping demands, one day at a time

If within 14 days you don't feel you are receiving the tools you need to take your Low Demand journey to the next level — you deserve your money back. No questions asked!

Just email me within 14 days of your purchase, and I’ll give you a full refund.



Hi, I’m Amanda. 

I am an ordained pastor, Duke graduate, low-key woodworker, one-time National Trampoline Champ (yep, you read that right), Mama to 3 amazing kids, PPTSD survivor, and late diagnosed Autistic.

For two, soul-crushing years I had no roadmap to help me navigate the struggles with our PDA Autistic 6 year old.

Part of this struggle was that I believed a potent lie — a lie told in our culture that says when our kids are struggling, it's all the parent’s fault

I was told I needed more boundaries, more consequences, more consistency, and more calm! 

This lie created impossible expectations that robbed me of joy, grace, and connection. 

I was desperate for relief and when conventional parenting tactics didn’t work, I decided I would create what I needed.  

And that’s how The Low Demand Method was born!


You see, the path to regaining ease in your home will not come from pushing harder or raising the bar higher. It won't come from strict rules, or teaching one magic skill that ends every argument.

  • It comes from genuinely letting your loved ones, and yourself, off the hook and accept that when we can do better, we will.
  • It comes from prioritizing deep rest and relinquishing the societal grip on rushing and productivity.
  • It comes from dropping demands and practicing radical acceptance, day after day. 


Now, life isn’t tied up in a nice neat bow every day — the truth is, some days are still. so. hard!

But, by living the Low Demand Method every day, I’ve stopped the shame and guilt spiral I was in, and my children have gained the tools to thrive. 

I have enough left in the tank to be present for myself and my family.

I want that for you too!


“In the last 6 months, we have literally deconstructed everything about our family structure. It has been HARD, but seeing my children thrive and repairing my relationship with my PDA’er has been profound.

It’s not about what anyone else thinks. It’s about me aligning with my deep why and parenting my children in a way that allows them to flourish (even if other people don’t get it). Thank you Amanda for your soul work…”

Gabriele Z.

Let’s make sure you and your family are in a truly foundation-building moment.


 This course is for you if:

  • You're a parent who wants to be more confident in your parenting decisions.
  • You've tried some low demand techniques, but worry if you’re doing it right.
  • You're eager to learn and create a loving environment for your kids. 
  • You want support from other families who get it, without judgment. 


This course is

not for you YET, if:

  • Your ultimate goal is to “fix” your child's behavior.

  •  You need advice first from medical professionals to make progress.

  • You need immediate safety planning.

  • You can’t commit to a long course or meetings yet.

Video Poster Image

But maybe you're still wondering...


“Amanda has changed the trajectory of my family’s life…just knowing she is there walking this low demand path with me always helps me feel less alone.”

Kelly, Low Demand Method parent

Here's a recap of everything that's included:

1 Payment of


or 3 payments of $287

  • 8-week Low Demand Parenting Masterclass Modules 1-9  ($1200 value)
  • 8 x 90 minute LIVE Q&A Sessions ($2,400 value)
  • BONUS Teen Focused Module ($200 value)
  • BONUS Low Demand 101 ($47 value)
  • BONUS FREE Screens Without Shame Course  ($47 value)
Join the Waitlist Today

Dear one, I know you know what it feels like to spin your wheels — like the whole car might go off the rails any day.


It can be a big ask to trust something new. Here’s what other parents who’ve put their trust in The Low Demand Parenting Method have said about working with me…

Enrollment Closes In:









“Our turning point is not when we hit rock bottom.
It’s when we stop suffering in silence.”

Amanda Diekman, The Low Demand Parenting Method

Here’s Everything One Last Time!

Low Demand Masterclass

  • 8-week Low Demand Parenting Masterclass Modules 1-9  ($1200 value)
  • 8 x 90 minute LIVE Q&A Sessions ($2,400 value)
  • BONUS Teen Focused Module ($200 value)
  • BONUS Low Demand 101 ($47 value)
  • BONUS FREE Screens Without Shame Course  ($47 value)

    TOTAL VALUE = ($3,894)


Today's price: $797

or 3 payments of $287


Enrollment opens to the public in April 2024. Waitlisters get special bonuses and one exclusive discount.

Join the waitlist