Nurturing Roots

Build your foundations. 

Experience the transformative power of low-demand parenting in our Nurturing Roots group coaching program---cultivate deeper connections, find joy, and embark on an extraordinary journey towards a more fulfilling family life. 


Next cohort begins January 2024

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Are you struggling to make it through your overwhelming days?

Have you had enough by 10am and simply survive the rest?

Do you feel stuck, drowning, never finding your sure footing?

Are you lonely, isolated, judged, and misunderstood?

Are you tired of... everything to your kids and your family with nothing leftover for yourself?

...feeling all alone with huge questions about how to be okay with how much it takes to parent your high needs child?

...being judged and shamed by your community?

Imagine if...

Imagine if...

  you could be surrounded by friends who truly get it and who can walk with you as you discover how to be the parent you want to be.

 you had a hopeful guide and a clear path toward a life where you can breathe and come alive again.

 you made significant change in your life in only two months, launching you into an entirely new season of your life.

  you could be surrounded by friends who truly get it and who can walk with you as you discover how to be the parent you want to be.

 you had time, space, and support to explore the deep grief, pain, and longings of your parenting life.

 you felt very differently than you do right now in only 6 months because of the amazing way you invested in yourself and your growth.

I help exhausted parents of kids with challenging behaviors to drop demands and create calm so you can embrace your kids with radical acceptance.

Nurturing Roots

8-week Group Coaching Program

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Change your life.


I have walked through so many challenging seasons, and learned powerful lessons about finding what truly matters, letting go of everything else, and fiercely surrounding myself with gentleness. I learned each of these lessons through incredible pain and heartache. In this power-packed 8 week course, discover your own path to ease and joy, connection and trust, without years of agonizing. Allow this hard-earned wisdom to change your life.

This experience is made for you! 

You're not sure you can even make 1 hour a week work, but you're desperate to see transformation in your life. 


You're longing to do the work to transform your relationship to yourself and your struggling child.

You know this work is too hard to do in isolation. You're ready to have people who get it cheering you on and walking alongside you.

Nurture Your Roots - group coaching course

$347/ month, 2 months

  • 8 live group coaching sessions on Tuesdays at 12pm eastern, starting Aug 1
  • Facilitated small groups on Voxer to connect and create true friendships
  • Individual coaching over Voxer when you get stuck
  • Access to the Low Demand Parenting Masterclass
  • 2 months membership to the Connection Collective (private membership community)
Join the waitlist
a bit about me . . .

I'm Amanda.

a bit about me . . .

I'm Amanda.



Some parenting journeys are like taking a walk. Others are like free-climbing a mountain. Mine is the second. 

In 2021, I was diagnosed with PTSD from parenting at the same time as my middle child moved into autistic burnout. Healing from PTSD while parenting a child through burnout is the hardest thing I've ever done, and it also transformed my life. Together, my children and I developed low-demand parenting, a life-giving method in the midst of incredible challenge.

I’m a late diagnosed autistic adult, and very proud of it. I’m terrible at small talk; I never leave a party gracefully. My soul comes alive in deep places, deep in nature, deep in contemplation, deep in conversation. I treasure solitude and feel fully alive while woodworking, reading, walking at the beach, and snuggling my kids.

I began coaching parents in low demand parenting because I love seeing weary parents experience the ease and joy of letting things go. I thrive seeing others come to life.

Some parenting journeys are like taking a walk. Others are like free-climbing a mountain. Mine is the second. 

In 2021, I was diagnosed with PTSD from parenting at the same time as my middle child moved into autistic burnout. Healing from PTSD while parenting a child through burnout is the hardest thing I've ever done, and it also transformed my life. Together, my children and I developed low-demand parenting, a life-giving method in the midst of incredible challenge.

I’m a late diagnosed autistic adult, and very proud of it. I’m terrible at small talk; I never leave a party gracefully. My soul comes alive in deep places, deep in nature, deep in contemplation, deep in conversation. I treasure solitude and feel fully alive while woodworking, reading, walking at the beach, and snuggling my kids.

I began coaching parents in low demand parenting because I love seeing weary parents experience the ease and joy of letting things go. I thrive seeing others come to life.

Need more info? 

Do you want restoration and joy in your life?


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